Saturday, March 28, 2009


Have Heart: The Unbreakable.

As the number of days left in Cincinnati decreases and the worry increases, it is has been refreshing to have my recent realizations. I have always over-analyzed everything I do or say before doing it or saying it and has therefore put a huge road block in front of me when there is something I would really like to say. I'm doing things for me now, without thinking about who it will offend or who will be mad at me. I have five months left, which I keep reiterating to myself to enjoy. That's exactly what I'm going to do.

Spring break was extremely necessary. Even though it was not nearly long enough, the vacation was nice. Four days spent in Chicago with a lovely lady was great. I saw Sara five days in a row and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think we have a lot in common and a lot of things to share. I haven't been very goofy lately and putting on a sequin jumpsuit for Sara and Paige may not be that extreme, but it was nice to laugh. I haven't laughed in awhile.

Even though I strongly believe money ruins people and friendships/relationships, it would be nice if the exact amount of money needed for me to live in Chicago and get an education would drop onto my door step. My mom keeps telling me that money shouldn't keep me from doing what I want to do. I'm just afraid that even though I've been applying for scholarships and will be applying for student loans soon, I won't have nearly enough money. I spent $120 in less than three days in Chicago and only bought one $30 item for myself. I guess I should start getting used to it. This summer I am going to work on being easier to approach, since I was told that I'm intimidating at first glance. Meeting new people excites me and terrifies me. I hope that the friends I do have will come see me every once in awhile.

and what he said to me was this:
"Just love the world that won't love you back."


Paige said...

Anytime you need to hang out, I'm up for it. Sorry I didn't make it to the mountain asleep show, I was lied to about what show was what.

Becca Hoffman said...

It's all good girl. I'm down to hang out wheneverrr.