Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Everything has come down to this week:

I have four exams, one I took today. I think it went well, but my English teacher hates me for some odd reason so I'm sure she'll give me the lowest "fair" grade possible. I think I'm going to switch to another English class considering that I've never had below a B in an English class. My mom used to be an English professor at UC and Xavier, so I'm pretty sure I know how to read and write.

All of my art work is due by Thursday (24 photographs). I guess when considering the work load that I'll have in Chicago, I should be really thankful for only needing to take 24 digital shots and editing them. I need more models for next semester. I'm tired of using the same ones, even though they're all beautiful. I want to take more photographs of Aaron and naturally beautiful people. I want to walk parts of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky that I've never seen in all the years I've lived here. I want to meet strange and interesting people to photograph. I wish I wasn't in a digital class so I could have the time to experiement with different cameras more often.

I start my job at the zoo tomorrow, well I guess now today. I'm nervous but really excited. The job itself isn't too exciting but the fact that I'll be meeting new people, doing something different, and making more money is very exciting to me. I haven't decided if I want to quit my current job. I'm only working two days a week there, still supervised. Technically she doesn't need me and one less person on her pay roll will probably help her finances. I think it's time for change and I cut my losses. After two years of devotion, I think it is acceptable to move on to a more professional, better paying job.

All my Christmas shopping for my family members is done. I'm giving some framed prints to a few people. I don't have any presents for friends yet. I probably won't have the money to buy them presents until after I receive my first paycheck from the zoo which will probably be after Christmas. I think I'm only buying for Kelsey Swain, Kelsey Kalnow, Becca, and possibly Ben. Ben claims that he's buying me something. As awful as it sounds, I'm not buying him a gift unless he buys me one. I figure I've spent so much money on him without the holiday occasion that not buying him a gift shouldn't be too big of a friendship crime. Especially since forgiveness and love are the greatest gifts he could ask for from me, considering the hell he's put me through. I wish I had the money to buy all of my friends something nice. Maybe next year. Maybe if I find a cool Jesus statue or picture for cheap, I'll give it to Rodney. Hopefully he's not tired of them.

This post was more than likely a complete waste of time. I'm hoping that unloading my mind will help me get a good night's sleep tonight. Tomorrow is a big day.

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