Monday, November 24, 2008


Japanther: The Dirge

I can say that Saturday was the best day I've had in a really long time. KSwain and I rode the trail behind the barn and even though it was really short, the ending was the best. At the top of this big hill is a flat grassy area that Dobbin loved. If he wasn't running around, he was all dancy and jittery. It was a pretty view as well. I wish I would have had my camera with me. I really want to go on an all day trail or a weekend trip soon. I wish Rupert wasn't such as asshole so Kelsey could come too. After riding, I went to the toy store and mall with Kelsey, Ben, and Maria. Malls really annoy me during the holiday season but looking at toys was fun. Went to Red Pepper afterwards with Kelsey and Ben. Pretty much the entire time we were laughing. I love them so much. Moments like that remind me why I still keep Ben close to me.

I love you no matter where you spend the night. You can always come back to me, because I'm nothing and you are everything.

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