Saturday, February 27, 2010


Some days I really just want to sit on the train or on the bus and photograph all of the interesting people I see. Unfortunately, I have an issue confronting complete strangers with my camera. I suppose that's something I should probably get over.

Amy contacted me today. I haven't heard from her in years. I've tried calling and sending letters but no reply. My mom thinks that I was a reminder of Sydney and that eventually it would get hard for her to spend time with me. She is planning a five year anniversary benefit for late June and wants me to help her with it. I can't believe that it has already been this long without her. After talking with Amy I was immediately reminded that Sydney is the reason I'm here. One day she wrote me a note in our notebook about how excited she was to develop her own film. I knew nothing about photography but I knew it had to be exciting because she was my artistic idol. Come to think of it, I idolized almost everything about her. So I waited until my sophomore year when Photo I was available for me to take. Now I'm at Columbia majoring in it. That girl affected so many people's lives in the short fourteen years she lived and it is incredible.

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