Friday, December 5, 2008


Yesterday was rough. I was working on only a couple hours of sleep due to being extremely pissed off and nightmares. This time of year, I have the worst dreams. I had a dream that my dad was alive again and said "I miss you" but then I had to relive him dying in my dream. School didn't take my mind off of anything and I silently cried during most of my classes. I helped Ben move while distracted me for a couple hours. It was comforting to be with someone who knows exactly how it feels and doesn't just feel sorry for me.

I don't want to settle for less. I find myself if search for someone but I keep comparing them to previous boyfriends or love interests. I feel like I deserve someone who will take care of me. I'm always taking care of someone else and right now, I'd like someone to take care of me.

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