Friday, November 28, 2008


Bear Vs. Shark: We Were Sad But Now We're Rebuilding

It's weird to think about this time last year-the relationships, the grudges, etc. This time last year, I was happily in a relationship with Luke, probably one of the best relationships I have ever been in. I spent almost everyday at Dude Lounge with my girls, having long bathroom talks while Kyle would bang on the door because it's used for waste disposal, not girl talk. After Ryan moved out and Peyton got his room, I had my own makeshift bed in Ryan/Peyton's old room. I'd lay there till 6am with Luke just holding him and loving every second of my life. There was rarely drama and life was good. Now when I go to the old Dude Lounge and see how it is now, I can't help but to remember the certain things that happened in each spot. The staircase that Peyton pantsed me on because I chose sweatpants. The room that I cried myself to sleep in when Luke left me. Things were so different last year and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it. Now there is so much deceit and lying and backstabbing that I don't care to be a part of. There's always something to be said. And I'm alone. Maybe I just never noticed it.

Complete the syntax, rearrange my thought process. In time, every point will form a line, prenatal cycle while you're pushing the jack again. And you backed up much too far, too far. And we thought this movement fell short. Then there's a concrete wall. This is a parade. There are the stars in your eyes. This is an ending thought that pushes my feet. This is the moonlight and these are the stars in your eyes and these are the times that reflect inside your smile. And I thought we came too close to the ground. The zeppelin failed to push you away. The greco roman doors have been opened to the Thailand traders, but I would never trade you in for an idea without just cause. Nail us to this cross with a d.n.a. photo album of the times we lost. Live in the earth again, road maps as eyes. I am alive and leaving.

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