For some reason, I read old journals and look at old photos. They never help- probably because I focus on how well things were going and then they just went downhill. Instead today I read up to things getting better. Things do get better. I've been thinking a lot about what has happened the past two years- mainly my mistakes. I keep trying to blame them on a certain break up but I can't lean on that anymore. I made a conscious decision to do the things I did. I also noticed that I see those mistakes coming through now except with different people and different situations. I'm making an effort to prevent these things from happening again. I'm working on being as strong as I used to be.
I'm working on drawing a straight line and I'll draw until I get one right.
It's bold and dark, girl, can't you see?
I done draw a line between you and me.
I'm working on erasing you, I just don't have the proper tools
I'll get hammered and forget that you exist.
There's no way I'm forgetting this.
I'm working hard on walking out.
My shoes keep sticking to the ground.
My clothes won't let me close the door.
These trousers seem to love your floor.
Oct 22, 2021 · nie będzie romansu to singiel w wykonaniu krzysztofa
zalewskiego i marii dębskiej, który promuje film o życiu kaliny jędrusik bo
we mnie ...
2 years ago
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