I am finally finished printing my Photo I Final. I still need to spot by Monday and mat by Friday. I'm so overwhelmed and really tired of looking at bikes. But I'm proud of what I've done and can't wait for Photo II. Although I'm terrified of color, I'm excited. I need to be out of my comfort zone so that I can keep producing work I'll be proud of. This semester I didn't do my best work, I'll admit that. After three years of black and white, I was getting bored. I know I'm at the right school and getting the best instruction, I just need something new and exciting. I really want a better scanner and a negative scanner so that my digital copies have close to the same depth as the originals.

Mike Tackett ; Sawyer Point ; Cincinnati, OH.

Chase Anderson ; Reser's Bicycle Outfitters ; Newport, KY.

Bikehaus ; Cincinnati, OH.
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