mewithoutYou: Silencer.
I have never been so unmotivated to do art work before in my life. The prompts that I'm receiving are quite possibly the most uninteresting and uninspiring prompts I've ever received. My first one was to take a picture of something with text. The second, take a shattered or broken portrait. The third, take a picture that has linear perspective. I'm such a perfectionist and I have been turning in such poor work because I really have no idea what to do. For the text picture I took a picture of Brandi's mewithoutYou tattoo which was alright. Now supposedly since it's a tattoo and my area of concentration is the body as a canvas (tattoos), I can't use it for my breadth section. So then I took a picture of a homeless woman with a sign. I wanted to take pictures of homeless people as it is but this lady was not dirty or depressed enough looking, as bad as it sounds. But I still handed her $20 and took her picture. The first picture she smiled in because she said that she's always smiling even though she's homeless. I guess it was inspiring but not quite the picture I was hoping for. I have no idea what to do for linear perspective. I keep thinking that the prompts will get better as the class goes on, but they haven't yet. Even the other students work are getting weaker because we are all so uninspired. Granted I could do all of the prompts with photoshop, I don't want to. I already dislike digital photography because I feel that everything is so fabricated and fake. I love doing manual photography because it makes me feel more accomplished when I'm finished because I know everything that made the picture great was me. It's a more satisfying feeling than tweaking everything on the computer and making an alright picture look fantastic. My teacher told me I could continue working in the darkroom and just scanning the pictures in and making small adjustments to perfect the photographs but with the amount of photos I have to produce a week, the darkroom process is extremely long. It already doesn't help that I'm using my 35mm and getting a disk when I bring the film in to be developed. I need a computer that won't die if I put photoshop on it. I wish I was getting paid more or had a better job so that this would be easier for me.
Don't waste your lips on words I've heard before. Kiss my tired head. And each letter written wastes your hand, young man. Come and lead me to your bed. You gave me hope that I'd not lost her and then thought it rather strange to see me smile- as I don't, I don't do too much smiling these days. She put on happiness like a loose dress, over pain I'll never know "So the peace you had," she said, "I must confess, I'm glad to see it go." We're two white roses lying frozen just outside his door. I've made you so happy and so sad, but which should I be more sorry for? Come kiss my face goodbye, that space below my eye and above my cheek cause I'm faint and fading fast, and I see a darkness and I shall be released. I'll pass like a fever from this body, and softly slip into his hands. I tried to love you and I failed, but I have another plan.
I have never been so unmotivated to do art work before in my life. The prompts that I'm receiving are quite possibly the most uninteresting and uninspiring prompts I've ever received. My first one was to take a picture of something with text. The second, take a shattered or broken portrait. The third, take a picture that has linear perspective. I'm such a perfectionist and I have been turning in such poor work because I really have no idea what to do. For the text picture I took a picture of Brandi's mewithoutYou tattoo which was alright. Now supposedly since it's a tattoo and my area of concentration is the body as a canvas (tattoos), I can't use it for my breadth section. So then I took a picture of a homeless woman with a sign. I wanted to take pictures of homeless people as it is but this lady was not dirty or depressed enough looking, as bad as it sounds. But I still handed her $20 and took her picture. The first picture she smiled in because she said that she's always smiling even though she's homeless. I guess it was inspiring but not quite the picture I was hoping for. I have no idea what to do for linear perspective. I keep thinking that the prompts will get better as the class goes on, but they haven't yet. Even the other students work are getting weaker because we are all so uninspired. Granted I could do all of the prompts with photoshop, I don't want to. I already dislike digital photography because I feel that everything is so fabricated and fake. I love doing manual photography because it makes me feel more accomplished when I'm finished because I know everything that made the picture great was me. It's a more satisfying feeling than tweaking everything on the computer and making an alright picture look fantastic. My teacher told me I could continue working in the darkroom and just scanning the pictures in and making small adjustments to perfect the photographs but with the amount of photos I have to produce a week, the darkroom process is extremely long. It already doesn't help that I'm using my 35mm and getting a disk when I bring the film in to be developed. I need a computer that won't die if I put photoshop on it. I wish I was getting paid more or had a better job so that this would be easier for me.
Don't waste your lips on words I've heard before. Kiss my tired head. And each letter written wastes your hand, young man. Come and lead me to your bed. You gave me hope that I'd not lost her and then thought it rather strange to see me smile- as I don't, I don't do too much smiling these days. She put on happiness like a loose dress, over pain I'll never know "So the peace you had," she said, "I must confess, I'm glad to see it go." We're two white roses lying frozen just outside his door. I've made you so happy and so sad, but which should I be more sorry for? Come kiss my face goodbye, that space below my eye and above my cheek cause I'm faint and fading fast, and I see a darkness and I shall be released. I'll pass like a fever from this body, and softly slip into his hands. I tried to love you and I failed, but I have another plan.

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