Recent events have made me want to explain myself and the way that my mind works. I do everything and anything for the people that I love- no questions asked. I will go out of my way to do favors for people. I don't do these things in hopes that I would receive the same treatment or that I expect the same treatment. We've all done horrible things in our lives and I feel that my ability to help others is my way of redeeming myself and in at least through my eyes, when I die, I know that I was the best person I could be. Maybe this leaves my heart and my feelings open to be stomped on and maybe there is a large window of opportunity for people to use me. So be it.

Oct 22, 2021 · nie będzie romansu to singiel w wykonaniu krzysztofa
zalewskiego i marii dębskiej, który promuje film o życiu kaliny jędrusik bo
we mnie ...
2 years ago
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