Good times are rolling in again and it's great. Allyson's birthday last night was so much fun. A lot of laughter, a lot of drunken people falling over, and a lot of love. Everyone I love was there and it was great to have them all in one place. I saw some people I hadn't seen in a while, like Burg, and it was nice seeing them and having meaningful conversations with them. A lot of these conversations assured me of some things and makes me feel so relieved, even if some of it was upsetting to me. I met Kayla's boyfriend last night and he seems like a good guy so I'm glad she's at least moving far away from me with a good person. I guess that just means that I'll have to go to Brooklyn a lot. Fine with me. I was talking to someone about how excited I am to move to Chicago only to hear that Chicago will suck me in and turn me into a pretentious art student. I don't think that is true at all. Moving away is exciting to me. I love some people here, but there are many that I could do without. I think moving away will be beneficial for awhile. On another good note, I'm so excited for me, Mitch, and David's birthday extravaganza. August 29th will be a party at Bikehaus. August 30th is the Coliseum and Young Widows show at Murmur. I love that Burg has set this all up. It's amazing to me that Coliseum is on a European tour making thousands a night yet they're coming to play our birthday show. In order to finish the bike race on the 30th, you have to get a birthday card for Mitch, David, and I. Great idea from David. I'm so excited and nothing can ruin it.

Oct 22, 2021 · nie będzie romansu to singiel w wykonaniu krzysztofa
zalewskiego i marii dębskiej, który promuje film o życiu kaliny jędrusik bo
we mnie ...
2 years ago
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